HiveX is a permanent system for collecting river waste in a way that uses little energy.
Every year, 8 million tons of plastic waste are dumped into the oceans. Most of this waste comes from rivers. To solve this problem, HiveX is an innovative stationary platform system that uses the currents of the river to move plastic waste away from the river and into a safe place. Because it is made up of separate parts, it works well in rivers all over the world. HiveX is a low-tech, low-cost, but very strong solution that can be used in most rivers in South East Asia or sub-Saharan Africa. It is very flexible.
Positive facts about HiveX
Efficient plastic collection at flow speeds of 2 m/s – Functional even with waves from passing ships
Prototype dimension: 5 x 6 m, weight:1,100 kg, storage volume: 6 m3 – modularly expandable, adaptable to local conditions
Plastic discharge efficiency under all conditions set at a minimum of 80% (80% of the plastic flowing into the platform is safely discharged)
Completely passive structure – designed so that fish can pass through it unhindered
Can safely store up to 5 tons of plastic per day – up to 1.825 tons per year
Up to $ 33.000 costs in damage per ton plastic per year
Price : up to 100.000 € per HiveX with 5 % maintenance costs per year, 20 years of lifetime, 200.000 € total costs per “HiveX”
0 kWh electricity, 0 litres fuel per year needed to ensure collection of plastic
Video about HiveX
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