The Coffeecoiner
Getting more coffee capsules made of aluminum to be recycled.
Getting more coffee capsules made of aluminum to be recycled.
An energy self-serviced boat built to actively collect plastic garbage out of the water to recycle waste.
CollectiX is a good garbage boat that can pick up tons of plastic trash from the water
Creating and developing a way to recycle plastic packaging with more than one part
A software for smart waste management that is driven by data and has more openness and efficiency.
PEBA is a paddle wheel that leverages green energy and improves water quality for the local communityrn.
A new platform for construction site logistics and waste management.
The world’s first enzyme-based process makes it possible to recycle PET plastics and fibers indefinitely.
Autonomous solar-powered and connected boat to collect waste and oil from the water
An eco-friendly way to handle and treat infectious medical waste
Getting rid of trash in rivers before it gets to the ocean.
Reusable cosmetics so that the skin-care and body-care industry doesn’t have to use single-use materials
HiveX is a permanent system for collecting river waste in a way that uses little energy.
Reduced the amount of ammonia and CO2 that dairy farms released while making them more profitable.
Sterilizing compactor to turn contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE) and mixed packaging waste into safe material at the source.
A way to make soundproofing and heatproofing products out of recycled wind turbine blades.
Providing local governments with free recycling bins that have solar panels built in.
IoT sensors need to be watched for dynamic garbage collection.
RECYCLOBIN is a smart trash compactor that cuts down on the amount of trash at the source.
A way to collect, move, and treat all household wastewater in areas with low water supplies.
Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is a low-tech, filter-free way to get rid of microplastics in water treatment
A smart and flexible network of sensors to keep trash from piling up on the streets.
A way to collect both solid and liquid floating trash in the ocean.