MAN ETES (Electro Thermal Energy Storage)
Tri-generation energy management is a way to store, use, and distribute electricity all at the same time.
Tri-generation energy management is a way to store, use, and distribute electricity all at the same time.
HP2 steam generation is a high-performance, all-in-one steam generator for preparing, conditioning, and burning biomass.
A flat plate solar collector that uses clean energy to make heat.
Power-to-X and Gas-to-Liquid are two ways to make e-fuels and e-products that are good for the environment.
Modernization of outdated sugar mills increasing their role in global energy production.
Glass melting furnaces with a new kind of roof.
Solar thermal technology that works well to make hot water and steam from the sun.
Oxygen-hydrogen generators on wheels are used for high-performance combustion.
A system that turns waste heat from burning into electricity and makes industry more energy efficient.
A process that makes the industrial thermal drying process use less energy.