Supercritical CO2 Cleaning System
A gas that can be used to clean and decontaminate industrial parts.
A gas that can be used to clean and decontaminate industrial parts.
The surface treatment of industrial, infrastructure, and marine assets should not release any paint microplastics or grit into the air.
A monitoring tool to help cities cut down on littering, water use, and CO2 emissions.
A factory unit for removing smells and cleaning up dirt that also recovers energy.
A system that uses ultrasound to stop industrial fouling.
Soil can be cleaned up by fungi.
Chemitek solar wash protect (swp) is a way to clean solar pv panels in an environmentally friendly way.
A system for preventing bacterial outbreaks that uses high-quality sensors and uses less energy.
Blue – le grand ménage is a small machine that uses salt, vinegar, and water to make a disinfectant with no waste and no harmful chemicals.
A long-lasting way to clean toilet pipes without using chemicals.
A cheap way to clean the wash water that comes from cleaning large ships with exhaust gas.
A coating of paint that protects the building’s surfaces and cleans the air inside.