When waste was taken away on-site, it turned sludge into food for microbes.
When waste was taken away on-site, it turned sludge into food for microbes.
An energy self-serviced boat built to actively collect plastic garbage out of the water to recycle waste.
A way to make biochar and clean energy from biowaste that is good for the climate.
A water chlorinator that is put in the water line and cleans up dirty drinking water in rural areas.
A smart, sustainable village for people who live in the country.
A new water/liquid technology that uses less energy and can be used in wastewater treatment systems around the world.
A gas that can be used to clean and decontaminate industrial parts.
Small farmers and communities can use a solar-powered water pump.
A monitoring tool to help cities cut down on littering, water use, and CO2 emissions.
An independent, foldable shelter that can generate green electricity in remote areas.
A drone that can find weeds exactly where they are so farmers can spray there.
CollectiX is a good garbage boat that can pick up tons of plastic trash from the water
A new, innovative, and long-lasting way for people in rural Africa to get water to drink.
A natural, biodegradable way to improve how water and soil are managed.
QED Naval Limited and Tocardo Turbines is a cheap submerged platform for tide sites
A cheap water filter that cleans and makes water safe to drink without using electricity or chemicals.
Using sewage sludge to heat and charge batteries.
HP2 steam generation is a high-performance, all-in-one steam generator for preparing, conditioning, and burning biomass.
For reuse of wastewater in cities, a new generation of membranes that use a specific bioreactor.
A bio-architecture for natural buildings that use less energy.
A flat plate solar collector that uses clean energy to make heat.
Compact systems for anaerobic digestion in cities
An additive that speeds up the natural breakdown of things and makes plastics easier to break down.
Water purification system for rural Africa that is independent and not centralized.
A p2r method for collecting and cleaning up oily waste from ships.
A way to clean and disinfect industrial wastewater with oxygen and lower the cost of treatment.
Making high-quality building materials out of plastic that can’t be recycled.
A new type of system that uses ultraviolet light to kill germs.
Traceability and visibility of the supply chain in fashion, food, and medicine.
A system that uses ultrasound to stop industrial fouling.
A system for fixing nitrogen with plasma that doesn’t use heat and can be used directly by growers.
A sustainable way to recycle wastewater on-site for people who don’t have access to a public sewer.
A simple shower drain that is both eco-friendly and easy to use.
Water and energy waste can be stopped with a retrofit showering solution.
Soil can be cleaned up by fungi.
Separation and recovery of chromium from the wastewaters of the plating industry.
Prefab raw earth buildings could help solve Africa’s housing problem.
Micro-nano bubble flotation is an effective way to clean up highly polluted industrial wastes in sewers.
Insulating panels are made from a bio-based fiber made from a plant that spreads quickly.
How to fix the power factor problem in industrial induction drive systems.
Energy-transparent factories: the digital twin of industrial processes.
DC power for aeration that is real-time, saves energy, and makes power.