Proxipel unit
Mobile unit for making pellets out of agricultural and woody biomass waste that isn’t being used.
Mobile unit for making pellets out of agricultural and woody biomass waste that isn’t being used.
A smart, sustainable village for people who live in the country.
A small energy device that burns trash to make clean thermal energy and biochar.
For reuse of wastewater in cities, a new generation of membranes that use a specific bioreactor.
A p2r method for collecting and cleaning up oily waste from ships.
Products made with carbon fiber that are used in ultra-light aircraft.
A biological way for the natural gas grid to store and move energy.
Mixotrophic single-cell algae are used to make biomethane.
Taking in large amounts of CO2 from industrial emissions while leaving behind less carbon.
Making solid biofuels that can be used to make heat energy.
Getting low-cost fuel with little carbon to industry.
FLAMINCO is a high-efficiency gas microCHP heat pump that allows trigeneration for the residential sector
Anywhere, gas-powered cars can be filled up in just a few minutes.
A way to deal with trash that turns food waste into energy and fertilizers.
A small to medium-sized technology that uses fluidized beds to turn organic waste into something else.
A clean technology solution that turns plastics from cities and the ocean into low-carbon fuels for transportation.
A carbon-neutral alternative to fossil fuels is technology that turns waste into something else.
Separating trash and turning it into biofuel and furniture could be done automatically.
A program to help people get clean stoves so they can live healthier lives.
Old diesel buses can be turned into clean, efficient buses that run on renewable energy sources alone.
Using our carbon problem as a chance to get more feedstock.
Without burning, a thermochemical process that turns waste streams into clean hydrogen.
A biogreen process called pyrolysis that turns waste into useful things.
Energy and nutrients are taken back from wastewater treatment plants for homes.