Hardware as a service helps make electronics more eco-friendly.
Hardware as a service helps make electronics more eco-friendly.
A digital platform for managing charging stations for electric cars.
A b2b ecosystem to help solar in Africa reach its full potential.
A piece of software that will help salespeople in the energy field throughout the lifecycle of a new renewable energy system.
The Moana Pledge is a project development service to help the pacific islands reach their renewable energy goals faster.
The first eco-friendly platform to offer transparent data recycling services to cut down on servers’ carbon footprint.
A way to stop people from stealing bikes in cities.
A software program that helps plan bulk deliveries of cryogenic liquids to customers in a more efficient way.
A software that uses artificial intelligence to make packaging more recyclable, lighter, and more durable.
Lormauto car is a way to make cars that converts regular cars (ice) into electric cars (evs).
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a way to survey nature based on DNA in the environment, making it easy for businesses all over the world to measure biodiversity.
Water distribution networks that use artificial intelligence to save water and energy.
SaaS solution to help utilities turn the data that customers give them about how much they use into useful analytics and personalized actions.
M.A.P Technology is a program to make Li-ion batteries last longer and work better.