Circular Explorer
An energy self-serviced boat built to actively collect plastic garbage out of the water to recycle waste.
An energy self-serviced boat built to actively collect plastic garbage out of the water to recycle waste.
Seafloatech Pod® is a seabed-to-surface mooring system that is safe, doesn’t hurt the environment, and can be changed.
The surface treatment of industrial, infrastructure, and marine assets should not release any paint microplastics or grit into the air.
QED Naval Limited and Tocardo Turbines is a cheap submerged platform for tide sites
Mapping the seafloor, setting up offshore wind farms, and stopping illegal fishing
Sustainable building blocks can be used in subsea and coastal projects to help rebuild marine ecosystems.
Renewable energy from tides and rivers that can be counted on and is balanced.
Large Autonomous Laboratory Vessel to collect oceanic mega-data.
A turbine system that is both new and very efficient.
A clean and sustainable way to get calcium from seafood waste.
WaveRoller is an oscillating wave surge converter that turns ocean waves into constant, renewable energy.
Using the low temperature of the oceans to reduce the amount of energy needed for air conditioning.
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a way to survey nature based on DNA in the environment, making it easy for businesses all over the world to measure biodiversity.
A novel, low maintenance technology to keep sharks separated from swimmers and surfers.
A cheap way to clean the wash water that comes from cleaning large ships with exhaust gas.
A place to get and look at data about the marine environment in real time.
A way to collect both solid and liquid floating trash in the ocean.