Scalable Fuel Cells
Improvements in hydrogen fuel cells for use in vehicles.
Improvements in hydrogen fuel cells for use in vehicles.
Drilling for natural hydrogen.
Making commercially available carbon-free fuels that can be made from CO2 and sunlight.
A hydrogen-electric propulsion upgrade for airplanes that doesn’t release any pollution.
Solid oxide fuel cells, which can run for up to 10,000 hours without being watched, make it easy to get power when you’re not connected to the grid.
A biological way for the natural gas grid to store and move energy.
Getting low-cost fuel with little carbon to industry.
Creating hydrogen in a cost-effective way so that it can be used as a fuel and stored as energy.
A solid-state electrochemical device that collects and reuses hydrogen gas that has been used up.
A huge step forward in developing strong propulsion with hydrogen as a sustainable fuel.
A common way to store and make renewable energy both off the grid and on the grid.
A way to turn waste into energy by making hydrogen from organic waste.
Hydrogen Power Module is a hydrogen fuel cell unit that lets ships move and make power with no pollution.
Plasma gasification is a circular solution that turns trash that can’t be recycled into green hydrogen.
Power to Protein is a new way to make proteins useful for the food industry that cares about the environment.
A technology on board that injects hydrogen and lowers the amount of fuel that thermal engines need.
HYCCO’s Bipolar Plates is a new generation of bipolar plates made of composite materials for fuel cells
From engines that run on fossil fuels to hydrogen-based high-power electric propulsion systems.
Without burning, a thermochemical process that turns waste streams into clean hydrogen.
A fuel cell that doesn’t need to be connected to the power grid and gets its power from ammonia.
A solar processor that makes hydrogen from green sources.
Oxygen-hydrogen generators on wheels are used for high-performance combustion.
Turning mixed solid waste that can’t be recycled into hydrogen, power, heat, or cooling that can be used right away in the area.