
As a service, energy conservation, energy storage, and demand response are given.



A solar PV module that doesn’t have to choose between agriculture and photovoltaics.


Giving renewable energy project developers more power by evaluating energy resources and production systems that are not centralized.


Cost-effective way for renewable energy to power grids around the clock.


Compressed air and heat can be used to store energy at half the price of lithium-ion.

Inertia Drive

A way to store energy that encourages the use of renewable energy and the electrification of transportation

JBox & IECharge

A way to store energy for grid stabilization and charging stations for electric vehicles.

Stellio Heliostat

A mirror that is controlled by software to reflect sunlight onto a heat exchanger to make electricity.



WaveRoller is an oscillating wave surge converter that turns ocean waves into constant, renewable energy.



Sympheny is a program to improve and make it easier to plan for urban energy systems.rn

Conso Live key

A device that uses smart meters to show how much electricity is being used in real time and give personalized advice.


Distribution system operators should try to get the most out of renewable energy and electric vehicle hosting capacity.

Feedgy Analytics

A way to find out when PV panels are getting worse by analyzing real production data and using unique algorithms.