Clorador ADEC
A water chlorinator that is put in the water line and cleans up dirty drinking water in rural areas.
A water chlorinator that is put in the water line and cleans up dirty drinking water in rural areas.
A smart, sustainable village for people who live in the country.
Small farmers and communities can use a solar-powered water pump.
A new, innovative, and long-lasting way for people in rural Africa to get water to drink.
For reuse of wastewater in cities, a new generation of membranes that use a specific bioreactor.
Water purification system for rural Africa that is independent and not centralized.
A new type of system that uses ultraviolet light to kill germs.
Clean drinking water that is affordable, smart, and sustainable.
A uvled solution that can be used on its own to clean water at the point of use.
A new way to add calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate to water.
A kitchen water filter can turn tap water into clean water so you don’t have to buy bottled water.
Specific dosing pump for potable water, sewage, or feeding plants when there is no electricity.
There are water purifiers that don’t use electricity and don’t make any waste.
Getting fresh water to irrigation systems in the future.
An Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) platform that connects 100 billion or more water assets that are not on the radar today to save water and energy.
Bello home is a real alternative to plastic water bottles, a water machine
Concentrated solar systems can help the Middle East and North Africa make sure they have enough water.
High production rates for making water from the air around you.
Through numa pipelined water networks, Water4ever is making sure that everyone has access to safe water.
Affordable, safe drinking water refill dispensers.
Using the sun to pump water around the world for people, animals, and crops.
ORISA® water filter is a water filter for people who don’t have access to clean water