MAN ETES (Electro Thermal Energy Storage)
Tri-generation energy management is a way to store, use, and distribute electricity all at the same time.
Tri-generation energy management is a way to store, use, and distribute electricity all at the same time.
Data centers need a dynamic system for managing cooling.
Pumped water cooling systems can be made to work better with passive heat transfer.
Measuring and controlling water flow and temperature differences to make HVAC systems more efficient.
FLAMINCO is a high-efficiency gas microCHP heat pump that allows trigeneration for the residential sector
An alternative to traditional air conditioning that uses less energy.
A way to fix bad air filtration or air renewal that won’t hurt the environment or the people who use it.
A new paradigm for efficient data center design.
A way to cool data centers that is both green and effective.
Heat recovery from cooling systems can be used to make free hot water that is good for the environment.
Geothermal heat exchangers on the surface of buildings cool them down.
A scale inhibitor made from plants, which can be used in industrial water treatment instead of substances made from petroleum.
Using the low temperature of the oceans to reduce the amount of energy needed for air conditioning.
Immersion cooling for data centers near the edges.
Recovering waste heat and turning it into electricity and thermal energy
A new dry underfloor heating and cooling system that can be recycled and used again and again.
A way to keep track of and control how much energy buildings use that doesn’t get in the way and is easy to set up.
Bamboo for Life is a system for treating wastewater that is sustainable, based on plants, and biological