TEO Power

Buying and using energy in a way that is open and honest is a guarantee for using green energy.


A drilling tool that can be used anywhere to make geothermal wells possible.


Solid oxide fuel cells, which can run for up to 10,000 hours without being watched, make it easy to get power when you’re not connected to the grid.

The Moana Pledge

The Moana Pledge is a project development service to help the pacific islands reach their renewable energy goals faster.


Giving renewable energy project developers more power by evaluating energy resources and production systems that are not centralized.


Cost-effective way for renewable energy to power grids around the clock.


Compressed air and heat can be used to store energy at half the price of lithium-ion.

Inertia Drive

A way to store energy that encourages the use of renewable energy and the electrification of transportation

Zeigo Platform

A platform that lets people buy subscriptions to get clean energy directly from wind and solar farms.


A fuel-flexible, small-scale power system that is good for the environment.


Makes and uses rechargeable, high-capacity nickel-zinc batteries that can be recycled.



WaveRoller is an oscillating wave surge converter that turns ocean waves into constant, renewable energy.


Distribution system operators should try to get the most out of renewable energy and electric vehicle hosting capacity.


Patented stackable power packs make up a smart way to store energy.

Behavioural Insights platform

SaaS solution to help utilities turn the data that customers give them about how much they use into useful analytics and personalized actions.