A full digital solution for managing and reducing carbon anodes in the production of primary aluminum.

BrainBox AI

Self-adapting, self-driving AI technology to help buildings use less energy


A hydrogen-electric drone with a long range that can be used in industry and security.

DC Scope

A program that measures and analyzes the CO2 emissions of servers and virtual machines in real time to cut down on the energy used by IT.


A system for preventing bacterial outbreaks that uses high-quality sensors and uses less energy.


Digital system with sensors in the field for smart monitoring of insects.

Conso Live key

A device that uses smart meters to show how much electricity is being used in real time and give personalized advice.



There is online software that makes it easy for small buildings to bill for energy and service charges.



AI-driven tool for smart water management and figuring out where pipelines are at risk.


Distribution system operators should try to get the most out of renewable energy and electric vehicle hosting capacity.


A sensor system that can measure the protective atmosphere in food packaging without breaking it.

Environmental DNA (eDNA)

Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a way to survey nature based on DNA in the environment, making it easy for businesses all over the world to measure biodiversity.


E-commerce customers will have a better experience if the packaging is smart, safe, and made to last.

Hive Optimal

A way to keep track of and control how much energy buildings use that doesn’t get in the way and is easy to set up.


TractEasy is a way for airports to move bags that is electric and can do it on its own.


A portable, automated lab for detecting heavy metals in water on-site.


A digital tool to help the people in charge of a building make smart decisions.


CLEMAP is a platform for real-time energy analytics with metering solutions


PurePilot is a smart industrial automation and analytics solution for managing water, making products, and making the most of energy.

Ubigreen Energy

A digital platform to collect, track, analyze, and improve how buildings use energy.


Data science can be used in the cockpit to help pilots use less fuel and put out less CO2.

Behavioural Insights platform

SaaS solution to help utilities turn the data that customers give them about how much they use into useful analytics and personalized actions.