Caleosol ECO+

A new dry underfloor heating and cooling system that can be recycled and used again and again.

Hive Optimal

A way to keep track of and control how much energy buildings use that doesn’t get in the way and is easy to set up.



On-site solution for treating water and waste water with hydrogen peroxide.


TractEasy is a way for airports to move bags that is electric and can do it on its own.


A portable, automated lab for detecting heavy metals in water on-site.


CLEMAP is a platform for real-time energy analytics with metering solutions

Go To-U

Provides an easy, comfortable, and simple way to charge electric vehicles.



Getting rid of soaps and cleaners from a waste-water system.


Daba’Go is a way for transportation companies in big cities that are growing to get around


EcoCore® is a cheap way to make recycled and lightweight plastic packaging.