MOBILE Construction Kit – Family of reliable, compact, automotive-qualified and ready to use power electronic devices for the electrification of commercial vehicles and trains
Website :
Country : “Switzerland””
MOBILE Construction Kit – Family of reliable, compact, automotive-qualified and ready to use power electronic devices for the electrification of commercial vehicles and trains
MOBILE Construction Kit – Family of reliable, compact, automotive-qualified and ready to use power electronic devices for the electrification of commercial vehicles and trains
Website :
Country : “Switzerland””
A platform for carsharing that helps businesses improve their mobility.
CLEMAP is a platform for real-time energy analytics with metering solutions
Good Soaps – Vegetable oil-based detergents
The CO2 footprint of e-bikes could be reduced with a repairable electric battery that doesn’t use solder.
A system that works well for both city transportation and logistics for the last mile of delivery.
Old diesel buses can be turned into clean, efficient buses that run on renewable energy sources alone.