GeoTerre Geothermic Wall – A compact, low cost, easy to fit geothermal surface heat exchanger to cool buildings withvery low CO2 emission
Website :
Country : “France””
GeoTerre Geothermic Wall – A compact, low cost, easy to fit geothermal surface heat exchanger to cool buildings withvery low CO2 emission
Website :
Country : “France””
TWIDO – A sustainable water heater solution, that gives the consumer the ability to understand and improve his consumes and uses of sanitary hot water.
Fuel and Emissions Management System – An AI-based fuel efficiency hub for road freight carriers to effectively measure, reduce and report fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
Making high-quality building materials out of plastic that can’t be recycled.
Maritime Area Integral Supervision – Establishing an integral and continuous control of surface ships and underwater devices in a perimeter sea area, to improve their management and control
A micro Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system that can be used in homes and businesses and runs on clean fuels.
Seafloatech Pod® is a seabed-to-surface mooring system that is safe, doesn’t hurt the environment, and can be changed.