The solution for facility management that is clean, quiet, and safe.
The Cobrane A1 solution helps facility management technicians deal with four major problems. First, it allows 100% electric mobility, which reduces emissions on-site. Second, the speed limit of 15 km/h makes it a safe and secure way to travel. Third, it increases productivity by making outdoor and indoor movement more efficient. Lastly, this Solution makes technicians’ jobs easier by carrying their tools and supplies for them. The Cobrane A1 solution can go 30 km without recharging, can carry 100 kg on its platform, can pull 200 kg on a trailer, and can fit through any door with its 65 cm width. All of this is done without making any noise or putting out any harmful particles. It is also very safe to use.
Positive facts about Cobrane A1 e-vehicle
Over 90% lower CO2 emissions than mainstream alternative
Uses 20 times less energy than mainstream alternative
3 times cheaper than the mainstream alternative
Factoring in time saved for employees, payback period of six months
Video about Cobrane A1 e-vehicle
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