Hipli is a packaging service that makes e-commerce less harmful to the environment
Hipli is a packaging service that makes e-commerce less harmful to the environment
A self-operating and interactive dispenser that fills up reusable containers with liquid products.
A digital tool to help guide territories toward management strategies that are good for the environment.
Providing local governments with free recycling bins that have solar panels built in.
A way to make soundproofing and heatproofing products out of recycled wind turbine blades.
A siphon with an anti-vacuum system built in.
Turn plastic waste that can’t be recycled into a material that looks like wood.
A solar processor that makes hydrogen from green sources.
Concentrated solar systems can help the Middle East and North Africa make sure they have enough water.
IoT sensors need to be watched for dynamic garbage collection.
kheoosmarket is a digital and automated platform that makes it easy to reuse a lot of spare parts for industrial maintenance.rn
A big data platform for removing all plastic from the global plastic supply chain.
A new, modern, and dry bathroom.
A cheap way to clean the wash water that comes from cleaning large ships with exhaust gas.
A remanufactured multifunction printer that is good for the environment.
A place where people can work together to manage and move recycled wooden pallets.
Putting small cocoa and coffee farmers in touch with big business brands.
RECYCLOBIN is a smart trash compactor that cuts down on the amount of trash at the source.
Agricultural products can be dried and stored regardless of the weather and without using any extra energy.
Through numa pipelined water networks, Water4ever is making sure that everyone has access to safe water.
A way to treat water on farms to make operations better all along the food supply chain.
A sticky solution for grabbing that works well and is made from recycled materials.
Technology for separating and getting rid of rare earth elements.
Affordable, safe drinking water refill dispensers.
A good, long-lasting siphon made from recycled plastic to help the environment.
A cement that saves resources and is made of mixed granules from demolition rubble that have been processed.
materials made from fibers for packaging.
A coating of paint that protects the building’s surfaces and cleans the air inside.
Through bulk distribution and reusable containers, there will be no waste at any point of sale.
Energy and nutrients are taken back from wastewater treatment plants for homes.
A way to collect, move, and treat all household wastewater in areas with low water supplies.
Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is a low-tech, filter-free way to get rid of microplastics in water treatment
A way to remove printing from plastics that is based on water.
A system that turns waste heat from burning into electricity and makes industry more energy efficient.
A platform for managing city services that uses less energy.
A smart and flexible network of sensors to keep trash from piling up on the streets.
ORISA® water filter is a water filter for people who don’t have access to clean water
A way to collect both solid and liquid floating trash in the ocean.
A systemic way to deal with the trade-offs between a plastic’s environmental footprint and its ability to be recycled.
Turning mixed solid waste that can’t be recycled into hydrogen, power, heat, or cooling that can be used right away in the area.
A method for collecting and keeping track of the organic parts of wastewater.
StixFresh & Shelf Defense is a safe, all-natural formula that can be put on a sticker and used to extend the shelf life of fresh food by two weeks.
Zero Waste Reuse Refill Cosmetic Case
Zero-Waste School + Office Supplies