A device that uses motorized pumps to get hot water to the taps in 2 seconds. This saves both energy and water by not wasting either.
A device that uses motorized pumps to get hot water to the taps in 2 seconds. This saves both energy and water by not wasting either.
Creating and developing a way to recycle plastic packaging with more than one part
A system that helps people make decisions about the risk of flash floods in cities.
TyreFlow Recycling Process is a complete solution for recycling old tires from start to finish
Tile’Up is a new generation of roof materials made from plants.
QED Naval Limited and Tocardo Turbines is a cheap submerged platform for tide sites
Make special molds so that thermoset and thermoplastic composites can be made.
High energy lithium ion batteries can have silicon anodes that can be made bigger or smaller.
Tri-generation energy management is a way to store, use, and distribute electricity all at the same time.
Every building should have clear windows that generate electricity.
Insulation for homes and buildings that keeps heat in and noise out.
A bio-architecture for natural buildings that use less energy.
JooL® is a great tool for keeping track of and predicting how much energy and fluid is used.
A novel gas molecule decreasing global warming potential in semiconductor manufacturing.
Giving new life to waste products for construction and infrastructure.
RetroKit Energy Upscaling Technology is a digital platform for energy retrofitting in social, cooperative, and public housing.
A flat plate solar collector that uses clean energy to make heat.
An additive that speeds up the natural breakdown of things and makes plastics easier to break down.
Mapping the seafloor, setting up offshore wind farms, and stopping illegal fishing
Data centers need a dynamic system for managing cooling.
Products made with carbon fiber that are used in ultra-light aircraft.
Making high-quality building materials out of plastic that can’t be recycled.
Weatherskin waterproof membranes that are UV stable, green, and stick together.
A new type of system that uses ultraviolet light to kill germs.
Process for hybrid and electric vehicles to recycle rare earths in a closed loop.
Intelligent architecture made from raw materials uses less energy and resources.
Through IoT sensors, actuators, and fuzzy algorithms, buildings can be made smarter, healthier, and more environmentally friendly.
Transportation Management is a single system for managing the flow of transportation for the global trade network
A simple shower drain that is both eco-friendly and easy to use.
Water and energy waste can be stopped with a retrofit showering solution.
Using cardboard fiber composite to make a light-weight solution for air freight.
The outside insulation panel has a low carbon footprint and is made from 100% renewable resources and can be recycled.
Tetra pak trash can be used to make building materials.
The first eco-friendly platform to offer transparent data recycling services to cut down on servers’ carbon footprint.
Sustainable building blocks can be used in subsea and coastal projects to help rebuild marine ecosystems.
Solar catamaran instead of the usual motor boats.