SMP Sustainability Management Platform
Finding the carbon footprints of shipments, products, and companies can help with decarbonization.
Finding the carbon footprints of shipments, products, and companies can help with decarbonization.
HYCCO’s Bipolar Plates is a new generation of bipolar plates made of composite materials for fuel cells
Rethinking the watch packaging business: a watch box made from materials that have already been used.
A hand-washing station that automatically mixes water and soap in the best way to keep hands clean.
Using commercial airliner fleets to observe Earth is a way to get high-quality, frequent, and cheap data.
Weather data with high resolution, uniformity, and accuracy for the developing world
A new technology for industrial compressors makes compressed air for use in industrial processes.
PLAEX LinX is a long-lasting building system made from recycled materials that fits together and can be used on land or in hardscaping.
A shower tray with a heat-recovery system that lowers the cost of heating shower water.
A platform for artificial intelligence that helps maritime actors make predictions.
Using renewable energy to power water pumps of the next generation will make it possible to farm all year long.
From engines that run on fossil fuels to hydrogen-based high-power electric propulsion systems.
Using our carbon problem as a chance to get more feedstock.
Smart Travel Habits is a digital solution that uses behavioral psychology to help people change their travel habits to be better for the environment
Getting rid of diesel or gasoline generators and replacing them with a source of power that is clean, quiet, and cheap.
Bamboo for Life is a system for treating wastewater that is sustainable, based on plants, and biological
Urinals that don’t use water are cheap to build and keep up.
Building automation and monitoring of indoor air quality in real time.
Hybrid energy for telecom towers that uses both wind and solar power.
Without burning, a thermochemical process that turns waste streams into clean hydrogen.
Bioreactor BioRenGaz is a bioreactor for treating biowaste that is modular and has a patent for anaerobic digestion
A long-lasting way to clean toilet pipes without using chemicals.
A new ultracapacitor that can store energy and has a high energy and power density.
You can water your garden in a more environmentally friendly way with a cordless rain water tank.
A covering made of plants for an irrigation system that is self-sufficient and connected.
A way to find insects that would drastically cut the amount of chemicals and energy used to treat grain.
A smart guide that helps anyone keep track of their carbon footprint, reduce it, and make up for it.
Clean, quiet, and safe 3D measuring and digitizing of hard-to-reach places.
A biogreen process called pyrolysis that turns waste into useful things.
Oceanwings is a two-part wingsail installed on a ship that can cut fuel use by up to 45%.rn
A smart modular garden that grows edible plants and keeps a steady supply of fresh greens coming.
A personal styling AI to speed up online shopping, get more sales, and cut down on returns.
SAF+ is a process that turns CO2 into high-quality fuel for the aviation industry.
An innovative hydraulic reservoir that replaces traditional reservoirs that are bulky and heavy.