Mineral foam is a low-cost way to insulate floors, walls, and roofs.
Airium wants to make insulation for building envelopes cheap and easy to get in developing countries. It also wants to make the insulation sustainable, long-lasting, and easy to recycle. It can be used to insulate flat roofs, among other things, so that you can build and insulate at the same time. Airium replaces both the Polystyrene-based insulation that is usually used on roofs and the standard concrete slope that is used to get rid of water. This system solution gets rid of several layers of traditional building systems. It is also easy to work with and shape when it is freshly poured, which speeds up the time it takes to put a roof on a new building or fix up an old one. Airium Thermoroof is made on-site from only local materials. It has less embodied carbon than the other system, encourages more buildings to get insulation because it costs less, and is completely recyclable when its time is up.
Positive facts about Airium™
Removes the need of 2 layers of the construction system (slope and geotextile), increases the overall application speed per m2 by 2
Provides a more reliable insulation solution – No risk of thermal bridges: the insulation is continuous
A roof made with Airium is 4 times lighter than a traditional roof system with Polystyrene and screed to slope – this is a considerable advantage for renovation projects or for projects adding floors on existing building
Reduces heating and cooling energy needs for individual housing = avoided CO2 emissions of 18 kgCO2eq per m² per year
Unlike Polystyrene, Airium is fully recyclable and can be ground with demolition waste just like concrete
Airium is foamed on site, reducing the need for importing, transporting, storing, cutting and wasting bulky piles of insulation (up to 10% of Polystyrene waste on site)
19% more affordable in total installed cost per m² compared to the traditional polystyrene and concrete slope flat roof alternative
Reduces by ~61% heating and 45% cooling energy needs for individual housing = savings of 195 € per year in heating and cooling costs for a household in a 107 m² per year
Compared to a non insulated slope (without insulation), the payback for Airium insulation is less than a year (160 € extra cost compared to 195 € in yearly energy savings)
Video about Airium™
Airium™ website : https://airium.com