A small to medium-sized technology that uses fluidized beds to turn organic waste into something else.
A patented technology that burns different types of waste to make energy, organic fertilizer, and minerals. It is the first Fluidised Bed Combustion system on a smaller scale to be approved by regulators and tested for use at the site where the fuel is made. Fluidized Bed Combustion is a great way to burn fuels that are hard to burn in a traditional furnace because they have a lot of ash, minerals, different amounts of moisture, and low calorific value. The company has tested the innovative technology and plans to use it to provide energy recovery solutions for the Rendering Sector (Meat & Bone Meal), Municipal Solid Waste Sector (Organic Fines), Municipal Waste Water Sector (Municipal Sludges), and Anaerobic Digestate Sector. The technology was originally designed to help chicken farms get rid of chicken litter (Digestates).
Positive facts about Fluidised Bed Combustion System
3,000 Tons of broiler manure per year will produce 8,000 MWh of heat per annum to replace fossil fuel and provide sufficient free heat to the chickens all year long to allow them to thrive in a healthier envionment (more heat available)
60,000 Ton of dewatered municipal wastewater sludge (ie at 20% moisture content) can generate 1.1 MW of electricity in a fully autonomous cycle – no extrernal energy required
For a 5 MW thermal Meat and Bone Meal combustion unit: 75% reduction in CO2 emissions – equating to 9,500 Tonnes CO2 displaced per annum. Reduction in transport of 10,000 Tonnes of MBM equating to 400 Truck Loads 2,500 tonnes of phosphorus rich ash for o
For a 1.5MW Wastewater Sludge combustion unit 90% reduction in CO2 emissions – equating to 1,000 Tonnes CO2 displaced per annum for excess heat generated. Reduction in landspreading of 18,000 Tonnes of sludge. 4,500 tonnes of phosphorus rich ash for organ
In the case of manure applications, reduction of nitrate levels and improved chicken welfare.
Less than 4 year payback on investment capital. Small scale systems rather than centralised units. In excess of € 1.25M savings per annum.
3 year payback on investment capital. Small scale localised systems. In excess of € 1M savings per annum.
Fluidised Bed Combustion System website : https://bhslhydro.com/portfolio-item/uphouse-farm-norfolk/