EnerKíte EK200 – An autonomous container based kite system with unparalleled flexibility, offering affordable, dependable and clean energy everywhere.
Website : http://enerkite.com/
Country : “Germany””
EnerKíte EK200 – An autonomous container based kite system with unparalleled flexibility, offering affordable, dependable and clean energy everywhere.
Website : http://enerkite.com/
Country : “Germany””
Solar catamaran instead of the usual motor boats.
A plan to reduce GHG emissions in the industrial, commercial, and institutional sectors that works on different levels.
Smart management of underground infrastructure and work sites
Chemical-free coagulation and flocculation treatment for industrial waste water that is small and modular.
Solar space heating – Solar-powered air heaters and rock bed thermal storage to heat homes
Insulating panels are made from a bio-based fiber made from a plant that spreads quickly.