YouGreen Cooperativa de Beneficiamento de Materiais Recicláveis
Made in Brazil
Year : 0
Selective Waste Collection, Screening, Raising of Awareness, Diagnostics, and Reverse Logistic of Recyclables
Selective Waste Collection, Screening, Raising of Awareness, Diagnostics, and Reverse Logistic of Recyclables
Selective Waste Collection, Screening, Raising of Awareness, Diagnostics, and Reverse Logistic of Recyclables
For commercial kitchens, a system for keeping track of food waste.
Recycling of Rural Plastics
Waste & Recycling Collection and Processing, Demolition & Manufacturing
A uvled solution that can be used on its own to clean water at the point of use.
izidore is a way for consumers and professionals to buy and sell used household appliances online.
A self-operating and interactive dispenser that fills up reusable containers with liquid products.