An affordable way to improve the energy efficiency of windows that works well.
This alternative is a transformative window retrofit that costs less than an extra pane of glass but gives the same amount of insulation. WindowSkin panels are attached to the inside of the window glass of existing windows. This increases the amount of air that gets trapped between the old window and the new insulation. Like the space between the panes of a double-pane window or the air pockets in a down comforter, this layer of enclosed air, and especially its thickness, creates an insulating barrier that makes the window work better. The WindowSkin is made to maximize the thickness of this enclosed layer of air, which increases its ability to keep heat in. Plus, each panel is made to fit the window exactly and has a patented design that keeps air from leaking out to make the thermal barrier as good as possible.
Positive facts about WindowSkin
Provides an additional R value of 0.7 and enables a visible light transmission ratio of 90%, making WindowSkins practically invisible,
On-site maintenance staff can self-install WindowSkins with just 30 minutes of training by a WindowSkin specialist
Can be used in historically designated buildings because installation doesnt change the appearance of the building, is technically “reversible”, and maintains windows operability as the windows open and close, just as they did prior to WindowSkin install,
WindowSkin Insulating Retrofits reduce energy loss by 45% on single-pane windows and 22% on double-pane windows
WindowSkin panels are made with durable GreenGuard® and Cradle- to-CradleTM certified materials and 100% USA based supply chain
In buildings constructed prior to the 1970s, WindowSkins installation does not disturb underlying site conditions such as lead paint,
Windowskin provides up to 75% of the insulation improvement of a new Energy Star® window for less than 15% of the cost of replacement windows
WindowSkin provides up to a 10 times faster payback than replacement window and almost 5X faster payback than our nearest priced window retrofit competitor
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