Weatherskin waterproof membranes that are UV stable, green, and stick together.
Home and building wrap has been used as a vapor air barrier for a long time in the building industry (rain screen). Most of the time, textile mills and harmful oil and gas byproducts like tar are used to make these home wrap materials. The product is hard to use and hasn’t been reliable in the past. Every time you put a staple through a piece of paper, you make a hole. The wind takes the paper away. During construction, it tears and folds, so it has to be redone. As far as saving energy in a building goes, these products don’t do much either. The seamless, water-based product, The Solution, has none of the waste, weak spots, chemicals, or installation problems that the home wrap does. The energy and cost savings are more than real, both during production and over the life of the solution. You use a spray. Less energy is used in your building. You now have a long-term answer.
Positive facts about WSM2: Liquid Applied Vapor Air Barrier
0 bituminous or petrol components
Lifetime is expected to last 550% longer than home wraps
100+% less toxic biproduct off-gassing than competition
100% acrylic (aqueous) water-based polymer. Zero-solvents, zero-chemicals
Costs 3% – 769% less than the major competitive products per square foot of coverage
Expects to save 25% on installation costs versus competitive products and systems
Expects 25% minimum savings on shipping and waste
Video about WSM2: Liquid Applied Vapor Air Barrier
WSM2: Liquid Applied Vapor Air Barrier website :