A dynamic pricing engine to help stores sell less food that goes to waste.
Wasteless is a turnkey solution for food waste that optimizes price cuts based on when food goes bad. Wasteless is a dynamic pricing algorithm that is only used for products with a short shelf life. This lets retailers use AI to mark down prices. With Wasteless, grocery stores sell more, throw away less, and let customers decide how much to pay for a product based on when it goes bad. Wasteless brings back lost money, cuts down on the work needed to manage shelves, and reduces the carbon footprint of food waste in grocery stores. This gives food retailers new ways to market their products and make money. In retail, Wasteless’s machine-learning technology is a tried-and-true solution that eliminates food waste and shows a significant increase in profit margins for the categories we work on.
Positive facts about Wasteless
Can prevent at least half of food waste in retail
Can create actionable awareness of consumers to prevent food waste at home
Turns food waste – a financial cost – into a profit
Offer lower prices for fresh food to consumers
Enable a smarter supply chain, powering fair pricing to producers
Wasteless website : https://wasteless.com