A multimodal logistics and delivery system that works well in cities.
LUMI addresses the need for a multimodal logistics and delivery system that works well in cities. Urban transportation companies, platforms (MyTroopers, Trusk, Stuart, etc.), and specific services (bicycles, walking) all try to do what’s best for themselves. They can’t or won’t work together to help customers. For example, the best way to do a tour (in terms of price, carbon footprint, and time) might be to use a vehicle and a group of delivery people who walk. No carrier can offer this to the customer in a fair way. As a transport organizer, LUMI acts as an international logistics expert who chooses the best mix of sea, air, and road freight. This is the only way to improve efficiency, cover the extra costs of green transportation options, and build a smart ecosystem. LUMI’s innovative transportation ecosystem lets users choose and take advantage of these synergies.
Positive facts about LUMI
Up to 80% more effective with GHG gas emissions used for transportation in urban logistics
Controbuts to the reduction of the number of old, polluting vans, in the magnitude of 50 vehicles/month to be removed from the streets
Today, ie october 2020, we have access to clean urban transport at the same price as conventional (diesel vans) – LUMIs first customers have shifted and the system is effective.,
60% reduction of CO2 emission
100% of cardboards used are recycled
4.45 tons of CO2 saved per month for one urban warehouse
2-year payback for each warehouse
98% reliability rate for urban deliveries
LUMI website : https://urbanhub.fr