Lormauto car

Lormauto car is a way to make cars that converts regular cars (ice) into electric cars (evs).


TractEasy is a way for airports to move bags that is electric and can do it on its own.


CMF Drive

Old diesel buses can be turned into clean, efficient buses that run on renewable energy sources alone.

Smart Travel Habits

Smart Travel Habits is a digital solution that uses behavioral psychology to help people change their travel habits to be better for the environment

Go To-U

Provides an easy, comfortable, and simple way to charge electric vehicles.


Oceanwings is a two-part wingsail installed on a ship that can cut fuel use by up to 45%.rn


Data science can be used in the cockpit to help pilots use less fuel and put out less CO2.



A cheap way to clean the wash water that comes from cleaning large ships with exhaust gas.


A place where people can work together to manage and move recycled wooden pallets.


A platform for the construction industry to centralize data and get insights that can be used.


CASSIO is a plane that uses hybrid-electric propulsion to fly quickly and in a way that is good for the environment.