Zs2 TechPanels

A new way to build commercial and residential buildings that is efficient and good for the environment.


G3 Bioglass

A new generation of coatings and fillers for medical devices that are biodegradable, effective, metal-free, and don’t interact with ions.


A huge step forward in developing strong propulsion with hydrogen as a sustainable fuel.


Mineral foam is a low-cost way to insulate floors, walls, and roofs.

BrainBox AI

Self-adapting, self-driving AI technology to help buildings use less energy


A window or door frame made of polyurethane foam that saves energy.


High-tech, low-cost building system that doesn’t use sand or things made from oil.



There is online software that makes it easy for small buildings to bill for energy and service charges.



AI-driven tool for smart water management and figuring out where pipelines are at risk.