
Emission is a nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) sensor system that measures how much ammonia nitrogen is lost when slurry is applied.


A way for big waste producers to keep track of their waste’s control records and where they came from.


A system that works well for both city transportation and logistics for the last mile of delivery.

Dryad Silvanet

A system for finding wildfires very early on that uses sensors, a wireless network, and an analytics platform.

IBO Bulk Trip Assist

A software program that helps plan bulk deliveries of cryogenic liquids to customers in a more efficient way.


A shallow geothermal solution that heats homes and businesses without using any carbon.


A SaaS platform that lets energy service companies in emerging markets monitor and manage their systems from afar.


A program that uses machine learning to make predictions for the chemical industry.

Zeigo Platform

A platform that lets people buy subscriptions to get clean energy directly from wind and solar farms.


A model for predicting how a continuous galvanizing line will work.

Stellio Heliostat

A mirror that is controlled by software to reflect sunlight onto a heat exchanger to make electricity.


A full digital solution for managing and reducing carbon anodes in the production of primary aluminum.

BrainBox AI

Self-adapting, self-driving AI technology to help buildings use less energy

DC Scope

A program that measures and analyzes the CO2 emissions of servers and virtual machines in real time to cut down on the energy used by IT.

VGT Platform

VGT Platform is a cloud-based platform for exchanging energy that makes the energy transition possible.


Digital system with sensors in the field for smart monitoring of insects.



Sympheny is a program to improve and make it easier to plan for urban energy systems.rn



There is online software that makes it easy for small buildings to bill for energy and service charges.



AI-driven tool for smart water management and figuring out where pipelines are at risk.


Distribution system operators should try to get the most out of renewable energy and electric vehicle hosting capacity.

Environmental DNA (eDNA)

Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a way to survey nature based on DNA in the environment, making it easy for businesses all over the world to measure biodiversity.

Hive Optimal

A way to keep track of and control how much energy buildings use that doesn’t get in the way and is easy to set up.


Software for planning, managing, and connecting the production of renewable energy.