A floating system that is half submerged and gives access to offshore winds in deep maritime areas.



Sympheny is a program to improve and make it easier to plan for urban energy systems.rn


SPRHOUT is a way to power a greenhouse farm with solar thermal energy



There is online software that makes it easy for small buildings to bill for energy and service charges.


Distribution system operators should try to get the most out of renewable energy and electric vehicle hosting capacity.


Software for planning, managing, and connecting the production of renewable energy.


A technology for retractable solar racks that gets around the problems with solar and diesel installations.

Feedgy Analytics

A way to find out when PV panels are getting worse by analyzing real production data and using unique algorithms.


CLEMAP is a platform for real-time energy analytics with metering solutions


PurePilot is a smart industrial automation and analytics solution for managing water, making products, and making the most of energy.


Patented stackable power packs make up a smart way to store energy.

Wind Tulips

Small wind turbines that are efficient, don’t make a lot of noise, are safe for birds, and work well together.