NUMA Water
Through numa pipelined water networks, Water4ever is making sure that everyone has access to safe water.
Through numa pipelined water networks, Water4ever is making sure that everyone has access to safe water.
Using light to measure water in the cloud.
A permeable concrete roof system with more functions.
Using the sun to pump water around the world for people, animals, and crops.
An all-in-one solution for generating and storing clean power on-site.
A way to get electricity to remote places using renewable energy.
A way to collect, move, and treat all household wastewater in areas with low water supplies.
Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is a low-tech, filter-free way to get rid of microplastics in water treatment
ORISA® water filter is a water filter for people who don’t have access to clean water
Herds of industrial solar robots take care of the plants in large areas.
A way to collect both solid and liquid floating trash in the ocean.
Turning mixed solid waste that can’t be recycled into hydrogen, power, heat, or cooling that can be used right away in the area.
A method for collecting and keeping track of the organic parts of wastewater.