A way to get electricity to places that aren’t developed but have water streams.
This solution, called Floating Drum Turbine or FDT, uses an innovative micro-turbine that is registered in the WIPO-PCT system to generate electricity from water streams (canals or rivers) in a distributed way. This turbine is made up of an undershot waterwheel that floats on a stream on a buoyant skid. It is attached to the bank of the stream with cables or hinged arms. By the way, the flow of water turns the turbine and its attached generator, which is what makes electricity. This solution keeps producing electricity at the same level of efficiency 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
Positive facts about Floating Drum Turbine
This solution is suitable for undeveloped areas having minimal water streams, and have no access to any local electrical network.
The product will be offered to the market directly, or through an EPC project execution, or by selling the generated electricity from an erected plant to clients.
Compared to solar power, this solution has 80% lower CO2 emission, doubly used energy, full-time energy supply, higher efficiency, good reliability, no land usage, and steady state which makes it fully competitive.
Compared to solar power, this solution has 30% lower payback time, 10-15% lower cost, and more governmental subsides for clients.
The economic benefits of this solution in comparison with the solar power includes 30% lower payback time
10-15% lower cost, and more governmental subsides for clients.
Floating Drum Turbine website : https://ged-co.com