Launched in UK in 2019, Ecologi app provides a solution to Sustainable cities & communities and climate action – in line with sustainable development goals for the future.
With Ecologi app, you can plant trees and offset your carbon footprint.
Reducing our carbon footprint to help solve the climate crisis is crucial, but the transition to change is far slower than the time we have remaining. So three british friends developed an app that allows you to help the plant trees from your sofa, for less than a cheap bottle of wine per month.
Positive stats :
- 50.4 million Trees funded
- 2.2 million Tonnes of CO2e reduced
- we could offset over a tenth of the entire global carbon footprint by planting 150 billion trees a year
- it costs is £4.50 GBP a month ($5.81 USD)
With Ecologi, you can plant trees and offset your carbon footprint. The project has already funded 50.4 million Trees and reduced 2.2 million Tonnes of CO2. With Ecologi’s subscription service, users can responsibly and sustainably reforest countries which have been devastated by forest fires or illegal deforestation. On top of this, the money also supports other climate solutions like wind power and protecting the Amazon rainforest.
Ecologi’s reforestation projects employ local communities to bring socio-economic justice to those who are most affected by the climate crisis.
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