Made in Netherlands
Year : 2014
Desolenator – Aiming to grow and lead the space of low-cost sustainable desalination by replacing diesel and disrupting the water supply chain.
Desolenator – Aiming to grow and lead the space of low-cost sustainable desalination by replacing diesel and disrupting the water supply chain.
Desolenator – Aiming to grow and lead the space of low-cost sustainable desalination by replacing diesel and disrupting the water supply chain.
Weather data with high resolution, uniformity, and accuracy for the developing world
Belimo Energy Valve – Making HVAC systems more efficient by measuring and controlling water flow and temperature differences
A simple shower drain that is both eco-friendly and easy to use.
Cheap heat and power from a local source for cities and towns.
Getting fresh water to irrigation systems in the future.
A long-lasting way to clean toilet pipes without using chemicals.