Pumped water cooling systems can be made to work better with passive heat transfer.
LHPs are a type of passive liquid cooling based on classic heat pipe concepts. They outperform standard heat pipes in terms of performance and design flexibility. As a result, they provide a passive alternative to active (pumped) water cooling systems, eliminating the need for pumps and thereby lowering energy consumption and maintenance.
The porous wick structure within the evaporator causes a capillary pumping action, which is how LHPs function. Due to pressure variations, the liquid vaporizes on the copper baseplate and flows around the system. Power Electronics (IGBTs, MOSFETs, SiC & GaN components), CPUs and servers, electronics & photonics are all possible uses for LHP (LEDs, Lasers, Antennas, Peltier Modules).
Calyos provides its clients an eco-friendly option for cooling the newest high power electronic components as a passive solution competing against active (pumped) alternatives.
Positive facts about Calyos
- 100% less energy usage than active (pumped) water heat transfer systems
- The latent heat of vaporization (two-phase) provides a heat transfer coefficient 250% better than single-phase water
- Reduce up to 100% of energy usage involved in cooling systems
- Increase the lifetime of cooling systems up to 40 years, with no maintenance
- ~25% cheaper than mainstream water cooling solutions as there is no requirement for a pump/distribution unit
- Save over 80% of maintenance costs by removing fans and pumps from cooling systems
Calyos website
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