A smart, sustainable village for people who live in the country.
The SUEZ Smart Village is a game-changer for developing countries that will have to deal with rapid urbanization that can’t be controlled and more effects of climate change. It is a set of solutions that work together to give basic services to people who live alone or in rural areas. It is made up of a small unit that makes drinking water, an off-grid energy unit, and latrines, as well as a biogas plant that treats organic waste and makes cooking gas. Also, since the shipping containers have utilities, they can be used again and set up for other services like wifi, money transfers, and post offices. This idea creates real city centers in remote parts of developing countries so that people will be more likely to move there. It also provides real solutions to the problems caused by climate change. Suez Smart Village is also a social project that aims to stop people from moving in large numbers to big cities.
Positive facts about SUEZ Smart Village
Delivery time: Suez Smart Village can be implemented in only 2 months, which is much faster than all studies needed for the drilling of conventional boreholes
Power source: O kWh taken from the national grid or generator, thanks to the solar panels
79% reduction of energy consumed over the whole life of the plant
71% reduction of GHG emissions thanks to the use of solar panels and the absence of building site machinery
For a 150 m3/d plant, reduction of the power cost by 3.8k€/year thanks to the use of the solar panels
CAPEX per m3 of drinking water produced is cheaper with the SUEZ solution (from 10 to 30% gap – calculation based on several African projects between 2015 and 2019)
SUEZ Smart Village website : https://suezwaterhandbook.fr/procedes-et-technologies/traitement-des-eaux-potables/petites-unites-standard/ucd-unite-compacte-degremont-R