Changing cars that run on gas into electric cars
Transition-One wants to help the auto industry deal with the environmental change by coming up with ways to reduce CO2 emissions. Transition-One turns small cars with gas engines into modern cars that are electric, connected, and cheap. The retrofit is one way to deal with the climate emergency in Europe and make our transportation less carbon-intensive. Transition-One has made a retrofitting system that involves taking out all the parts of the combustion engine and replacing them with a 100% electric powertrain. Transition-One offers a solution for the short term: converting the fleet of cars in France and Europe so that there are more electric cars on the market and less CO2 is released during daily trips.
Positive facts about Transition-One Car Retrofit Technology
Saves 1 ton of CO2 per vehicle per 10,000 km traveled
Zero-emissions during useful lifetime
Reduces your energy costs to less than 2 euros per 100 km for an electric vehicle
Payback time reached in maximum 4 years
40% savings on maintenance and 75% savings on fuel
Video about Transition-One Car Retrofit Technology
Transition-One Car Retrofit Technology website :