Off The Grid electricity generating spinning bike is a bike that spins to make electricity while the rider works out for the electrical grid
Off-the-Grid spinning bikes were made so that every workout would have less of an impact on the environment. They do this by turning the energy of their users into electricity. This technology turns the energy of the user into electricity, which is then sent straight to the building’s power grid. This Solution encourages people to live in a way that is both active and healthy while also making electricity. It is a technologically advanced spinning bike with an integrated electronic system that allows real-time monitoring of electricity production and training statistics. Its goal is to provide eco-friendly training equipment. Users can also see where they stand and take on personalized challenges thanks to the idea of gamification.
Positive facts about Off The Grid electricity generating spinning bike
1 hour of workout on 1 bike at an average of 150Wh generates enough electricity to power an LED light bulb for 20 hours
1 hour of workout on 1 bike at an average of 150Wh generates enough electricity to charge 15 cellphones
1 hour of workout on 1 bike at an average of 150Wh generates enough electricity to power a fridge for 9 hours
30% lighter for shipping
50% reduction of CO2 emissions in production
Same price as mainstream alternative
Video about Off The Grid electricity generating spinning bike
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