Greenhouse farming that can keep up with the growing population.
The United Nations predicts that by 2050, there will be 9.7 billion people living in the world. This will make it more important than ever to take care of food, energy, and water in a sustainable way. Greenhouse farming could help meet the growing need for food. But heating, cooling, ventilation, and pumping all require energy, which makes up 25% to 28% of the total cost of running a greenhouse and hurts the environment. PanePoweSW is a new type of solar glass that uses a combination of nanomaterials that change the color of light and mono-crystalline silicon solar cells. In contrast to other PV solutions, PanePowerSW is made of solar glass that is over 80% transparent. It generates clean energy, lowers energy costs, and, most importantly, lets light pass through it without stopping photosynthesis. This makes it perfect for greenhouses.
Positive facts about PanePowerSW
10% better solar cell performance
3% better photosythetic active radiation
47,3MWh of electricity produced per year for every 1000m2 deployed (Europe)
14 tonnes CO2 emissions reduction per year for every 1000m2 deployed (Europe)
Average of 4 – 5 years payback time
10 000 euro savings per year for every 1000m2 deployed (Europe)
Video about PanePowerSW
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