Banque Raiffeisen Région Genève Rhône
Made in Switzerland
Year : 2018
Raiffeisen: third-largest banking group in Switzerland
Raiffeisen: third-largest banking group in Switzerland
Raiffeisen: third-largest banking group in Switzerland
Geosophy – Geosophy develops software tools to assess the geo-energy potential for sustainable heating and cooling of buildings.
Kasumi catalyst – It can carbonize on-site organic waste mixed with plastic at 80-200°C
tiko – The tiko technology brings you the hardware and multi-use platform to save energy and increasingly integrate renewables into the energy supply
By detecting motion, a streetlight’s intensity controller can lower energy use.
Graphene-Oil Ultra Matrix – Allows you to drive more miles for the buck, enabling significant reduction on your carbon footprint and fossil fuel consumption.
Capital Market Solutions, Community Development